Monday, May 04, 2009

Subtitles Censorship

I was surfing channels casually yesterday and HBO was showing 'Blood Diamond', one of my favorite movies. Leonardo Di Caprio was explaining to Jennifer Connelly about how he lost his parents - the dialogue goes like this

JC: You lost both your parents.
L: That's a polite way
of putting it, yeah.
Mom was raped and shot...
...and Dad was decapitated
and hung from a hook in the barn.

The subtitles on HBO actually did not show the word 'raped' - I can't understand the reasoning behind this.. who is going to get affected if the word 'raped' was shown in the subtitle? They didn't bleep the word in the dialogue, so anyway people are going to hear it.. so why bother not showing it in the subtitle? I am wondering if there is a separate team sitting around removing all such words from the subtitles.

And how is 'raped' any more grotesque than 'decapitated and hung from a hook in the barn'?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Utter Nonsense

I really hope this guy does not get voted to power.. I can't imagine going back in time where people used to stand in railway ticket booking queues, bank teller queues etc wasting valuable time

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My Twitter Account

I created a new twitter account.
I am not sure if I will use it, just created an account for fun :)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Future Dating

This cartoon from is hilarious - the scary thing is this future is not too far away.

Will he win - Rahman at the Oscars

Like many Indians across the globe, I am eagerly waiting to see if Rahman wins the Oscar for Slumdog Millionaire tonight. Though I don't think it is his best work, it is the only one that's got nominated - which goes to show that you need to be at the right place at the right time to get things going your way, or in this case, award nominations coming your way ;). I have enjoyed his music ever since he made his film debut in Roja - I believe he is arguably India's finest ever. Let's hope he brings home the Oscar.

UPDATE: And he obliges, winning both the Oscars.. am very happy for him. Well deserved recognition for one of the geniuses of our times.